NAB 2012

Thunderbolt Tech is More Than Fast Hard Drives

It’s easy to treat Thunderbolt like any other iteration of connectivity. Just like we moved from USB, to FireWire 400, to USB 2 to FireWire 800, we’ll move to Thunderbolt. But if you do let go of a bored sigh, … Read More

NAB 2012: Security and Content Issues For Any Business to Worry About…

The NAB opened today in Las Vegas. As with any edition of this annual festival of geeks and broadcasters, new cameras, editing gear, and grip gear was on every aisle in the Convention Center village. Underneath the big glowing signs … Read More

NAB 2012 Preview: Why Final Cut is On the Block

Last year at this time, the professional editing world was agog at the idea that Apple would be releasing a new long-sought after version of its storied editing solution, Final Cut Pro. And introduce it they did – via a … Read More

What Really Went Wrong With Final Cut X

I can remember when nobody knew what Final Cut Pro was. In fact, I can remember when Randy Ubillos and Tim Meyers were working to move an unnamed video project from a company called SuperMac to Adobe. Those were really … Read More

Why Apple’s iBook Author is an Important Tool

Earlier this month, Apple introduced a series of new solutions for those involved in education and the electronic book publishing industry. Overall, the announcement is not really hyper-exciting news to the average person as eBooks, eMags, and other electronic content … Read More